Welcome to this section!
Here, all my attention is focused on the sounds produced by the human voice, their points of articulation and the places of their production.
Thus, it is the whole phonatory apparatus that is visited there!
However, depending on the alphabet used or the spoken language, a part of the physical instrument of the phonation will be solicited.
And this physical property linked to the production of letters and sounds is at the origin of the difficulties sometimes judged insurmountable, felt when trying to learn a new language.
Thus, exclusive French speackers are struggling to produce the Spanish "R" rolled, or sounds produced with the throat of the Mandarin Chinese;
The exclusive English speakers will have difficulty producing the "eu" of the french word "joyeux", or the "R" of "Paris"...
This difficulty, unfairly attributed to the lexical and semantic corpus of the "unknown" language, would have a much simpler origin to understand and to overcome: our ability to use our own musical instrument or not...
The human body works the reverse of a car, the more it is used less it
So let's develop all of what we have and what we are!
One of the ignored features of the Arabic language and alphabet is
The use of the entire phonatory apparatus.
The advantage is to have available all the sounds, already codified in "signs": the alphabet, that the human voice has the capacity to produce!
It's like playing a melody on a two notes scale and switching to using all possible ranges on a piano, or the handle of a guitar: a huge air call occurs!
This solfege of the human voice will extend the technical and potentially competing capacities to produce the range of sounds Humanly achievable!
And this acquisition allows among other things the easy, effective and relatively fast acquisition of new languages....
From the bottom of the throat, the vocal cords to the lips,
We have five main points of articulation followed for each of them by secondary articulation points.
Thus, the tongue is one of these points of articulation, itself constituted by 10 secondary articulations points, allowing the production of 18 letters, 18differents sounds!
Each sound,each letter has its own distinctive features to differentiate itonefrom another.
Thus certain distinctivefeatures have
Opposite, like the presenceor not, of breath accompanying the pronunciation of a given letter.
Other distinctive features have no opposites, such as the nasal tingling, which is the vibration of the nasal cavity during the production of "N" ن, or "M" م.
Let's see more in detail!